Respect for the Environment
When the topic is Emiliana Winery the first things that come to mind are their highly regarded production process of organic wines and or their famous red wine Coyam, fully elaborated with bio-dynamic grapes. This winery´s search for perfection never has an end. Today they own acres and acres of vineyards in the main valleys of the country: Valle de Casablanca, Maipo Valley, Valle del Cachapoal, Colchagua Valley and Valle del Bio-Bio; making possible for them to have the advantage and maximum benefits delivered by what each of these different terroir have to offer to each grape variety and their crops.
” … We understand that the best way to get healthy , balanced and more productive vineyards is through biodynamic and organic agriculture , which in turn results in better quality grapes and hence quality wines . “
A visit to Emiliana Winery is a perfect activity especially if you are on route to Valparaiso or Viña del Mar. Valle de Casablanca lies only 70 km from Santiago; there, among many others, Emiliana vineyards receive and educate tourists from around the world on its sustainable and bio-diverse methods.
Tours at Emiliana Winery
Premium Tour
Do you like animals? If your answer is yes, a tour on Emiliana Winery´s grounds will have an extra dose of fun for you. To maintain biodiversity, the presence and interaction of native animals are essential components for this thorough process. And guess what, the animals are the ones who give a warm welcome to the tourists at the winery´s gardens. Llamas, peacocks, sheep, chickens; each posses its very own position and importance. During a walk through the vineyards, visitors are given a short lecture about the variety of the grapevines, the terroir and the geography of the valley, which mainly favors the cultivation of green grapes. This is a 30-minute-long tour ending with a visit to Emiliana winery´s cellar and tasting of the following premium organic wines: Adobe, New, Signs of Origin and Coyam. The price of this tour is CLP 14,000. You will need to book your tour at least 24-hours prior to your arrival.
Gê Tour
For a tour that explores a little bit further, Emiliana winery created the Gê Tour, which is named after the winery´s prodigy wine. The difference between this tour and the premium tour is how it is conducted. The wine tasting on this tour is accompanied by a highly regarded wine connoisseur, who guides and teaches visitors through the details of the aromas and flavors of each wine, which are paired with cheeses and|or organic chocolates. The wine tasting is comprised of five premium wines: Adobe , New , Signs of Origin, and of course Gê . The price of this tour is CLP 25,000 and also must be booked in advance.
Picnic at Emiliana Winery´s Garderns
Like in the movies. Imagine yourself in a huge, lavish garden, framed by vineyards and the Andes mountain range as the backdrop. Now, picture yourself relaxing on a checkered tablecloth, with a basket filled with artisan bread, organic cheeses, a bottle of wine and water. Well, this is an organic picnic at Emiliana vineyards. It’s really a moment to register on your memory, camera, diary … so, if you were wondering how to celebrate that special date while on holiday in Chile, you have just found the answer, right? This activity costs CLP 30,000 and must be booked at least 1 day in advance. Also, be sure to follow up this most romantic moment with a walk or bike ride on the extensive grounds of the winery. Yeah! Wouldn´t that be amazing? A bike ride through the vineyards and olive trees, with mountains in the background, the local wildlife. Both the scenery and the feeling will leave you speechless!
How To Get There
You might have figured that there are dozens and dozens of tourist companies doing this kind of tour directly from Santiago. Many of them even pick you up at your hotel´s door. Obviously, such convenience has its price. However, if you prefer to get to any of the Casablanca Valley´s wineries on your own account, the first step is just to take the metro towards Estación Central metro station. Estación Central, besides being a metro station is also a train station, from where you can easily access the busy San Borja Bus Terminal. At this terminal there are several small buses often leaving for Casablanca Valley. Due to these buses going through some little villages and towns and, therefore, frequently stop on the road to leave and collect passengers, this journey can last as long as nearly 2 hours! The cost? Only CLP 3,000 per person. Now, we leave down to you to do the math and decide whether it´s worth it. It will definitely be an authentic South-America experience; but not recommended for the fussy traveler. Particularly because it does not end here! Unfortunately, the bus won´t be dropping you off at the winery; but, at the main square of the city where there is a taxicab stand. Here, make sure to clearly negotiate the taxi-fare before entering the vehicle. Taxi drivers in Chile, not so different from their fellows in most countries, are known for charging “a little” more, mainly to the tourists.
Emiliana Winery´s Schedule
During the Winter months – from April to November – Monday to Friday – The tours begin at 10:30 , 11:30 , 12:30 , 14:30 and 15:30
During the Summer months – From December to March – Every day of the week – The tours begin at 10:30 , 11:30 , 12:30, 14:30 and 16:00
Do not forget to book your visit beforehand!
Email: wineshop@emiliana.cl
+56 ( 2 ) 2353 9151
+56 ( 9 ) 9327 4019